Builder Beavers
Inspired by a trip to the Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve at Loch of the Lowes in Dunkeld, Perthshire.
Loved seeing those gnawed tree stumps!
Builder Beavers
Inspired by a trip to the Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve at Loch of the Lowes in Dunkeld, Perthshire.
Loved seeing those gnawed tree stumps!
Red Grouse (not that you can tell its redness from this illustration)
My love of drawing birds is well documented but number two on the list of things I like to draw… Mushrooms!
Great Crested Newt
A part of a collection I’m working on of British newts
A visual update on one of my ongoing projects. I think they're coming along :)
#illustration #vectorillustration #animals #bookcoverdesign #colouringbooks #artist #adobeillustrator #adobe #illustrator #digitalillustration #animallovers #wildlife #wildlifeillustration #wildlifelovers #animals #animalillustrations #vectorillustration #vectorart #MastoArt
Scots: An Eydent Bumbee
English: An Industrious Bumblebee
Folk, when ye’re hikin, tak a vizzy
At hou this craitur’s ayeways busy.
It couldnae work a better gig!
It’s wee, but whit it does is big.
Buzz on over to… if you'd like a copy of BBB!
The numbat (AKA the banded anteater) is a small endangered marsupial found in Australia. They have a long sticky tongue which helps them to catch the termites they eat. Numbats live in eucalyptus forests where old fallen trees provide shelter and good foraging opportunities. Female numbats do not have a pouch; instead they have skin folds and special hairs to help keep their young attached to the nipple.
The white-bellied cinclodes is a rare, endangered bird found at extremely high elevations in the Andes in Peru. It is a large bird, about 24cm long requiring a specific habitat which is being steadily and deliberately destroyed. There are now less than 300 white-bellied cinclodes left.
The radiated tortoise is most abundant in Southern Madagascar. It is very long lived, with a recorded lifespan of 188 years. This tortoise is a herbivore, grazing but also enjoying fruit and succulents. Sadly the radiated tortoise is now critically endangered due to habitat loss, poaching for food and the pet trade.
Illustration! Day 12 of #ArtAdventCalendar
Pencil & Ink on paper #wildlife illustration for guidebooks on #Argentina & #Chile !
Little Brown Bat, painted on an oyster shell.
My shells are sold in the gift shop at the Seattle Art Museum. For information on purchasing shells, please see my website, which has an updated gallery of which are still available: