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2.9 K

Eh? Is there also Heinz Ketchup in Japan?

I thought I heard it was not an international thing

@coolboymew heinz has a japan division. I believe it's fairly known there, although not as popular as some native brands

@echoasm huh, I didn't know. I've heard that, in France I think, they don't have it and the Ketchup tastes VERY different
@echoasm or maybe I'm mixing it with the Heinz Peanut Butter?
@echoasm sorry, Kraft Peanut Butter. Hurr I should get to bed

@coolboymew I... didn't know this was a thing...

Mixing ketchup and peanut butter sounds like mixing vinegar and soy sauce to me lol sorry

@echoasm @coolboymew Don't a lot of recipes call for soy sauce and vinegar? Some peanut sauce repices use both of them.

@Alex @coolboymew yeah but it would taste weird if you ONLY use this two